Friday, December 12, 2008

Ware is Jimmy?

After the beautiful computer-generated color palate is fully appreciated, Jimmy Corrigan becomes a dry and miserable comic that only serves the purpose to showcasing Chris Ware’s unique style. Ware’s meticulous organization of ideas feels overwhelming at first glance but quickly becomes an appealing aspect of the graphic medium. However, the attention and detail devoted towards the graphic medium cannot overcome the book’s lack of dimension.

I found the Columbian Exposition to be a better portion of the book but it did not redeem Corrigan from his plain loneliness and misery. Yet throughout the book, I was hoping Ware would slowly develop Jimmy into "the smartest kid on earth," only to be disappointed with the inkling notion that it was only Ware's attempt at humor. After deciphering Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan, I have to say, for such a big work, it could be put to better use as a booster seat for a small person, that is, if it doesn’t fall apart ahead of time.

Oh, but I must say the inner flap is worth a few minutes – the history of comics is priceless.

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