Monday, December 8, 2008

View point of the Author

Craig Thompson must be well off financial after his blockbuster Blankets completely sold out in several languages. But his third book, Carnet De Voyage, points out the physical and psychological hardships of being famous. Although the "Sketch book" is not being claimed as Thompson's third book, it shows the power that his publishing company has over his creative ability. In the book he describes his trip to Europe and parts of Africa, as he toured book signings and other Blankets promotionals. Allthough the documentary commic of his trip explains many of the niceties of the trip, the most memerable pages involve complaints with his new sparked fame. In the book we learn that Craig has developed Arthritis already, probably the result of endless hours sketching. Additionaly we learn at the end of the book that the entier jurnal was writen explicetly for publication as mandated by his publication company. As Craig seems to put it, the book will pay the bills till his "third" book is released.

To sum it up, Craig's Carnet De Voyage makes an excelent read for avid fans of the author or people interested in learning what it takes once you are an established author.

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