Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Maus I/II Questions

My first question comes from Chapter 3, page 98-100, of Maus II. Here we see an African-American hitchhiker who walks up to the car needing a ride. At this same instant Vladek looks out the window and yells: "A hitch hiker? And-oy-it's a colored guy, a shvartser! Push quick on the gas! (98)" Disregarding what Vladek has said Francoise picks up the hitchhiker and anyway. As the drive along Vladek mumbles under his breath in polish speaking not so highly of this hitchhiker. Knowing this and the fact that Vladek and many others have suffered oppression at the hands of the Germans for being Jewish, why would Vladek oppress someone who has gone through an experience much like his?

As we read Maus in class we saw that it had a more realistic view to it, such as the characters, but the narrative style was lacking. When comparing that to Maus I and II it is almost the opposite. Do you think combining the narration of Maus I and II and the artistic style of Maus will offer the story of Maus I a deeper meaning?


Jason Olson said...

I think it's to show that even after brainmoogling levels of persecution for their race, people were still unable to ignore the racism ingrained into them from years of prejudice. It's also noteworthy that minorities like the blacks were trusted with their white comerade's lives in times of war, but were still treated as inferiors when the war ended.

Michael Hancock said...

What do you mean when you say the narrative style of "Maus" was lacking?